Actress Ananya Panday recently left her social media fam excited as she shared photos all the way from Amritsar. The actress, who has been basking on a successful year with projects like Call Me Bae and CTRL, decided to showcase her gratitude as she is set out on a spiritual journey to the famous Golden Temple in the Punjab city along with her mother Bhavana Pandey and sister Rysa Pandey.
Ananya Panday drops post showcasing her Punjabi roots
Ananya Panday visited the Golden Temple in a simple white and pink kurta-salwar and used a pink scarf to cover her head, abiding by the quintessential Punjabi traditions. Her mother Bhavana Pandey, who is now a reality show star, after the grand success of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, also donned a beautiful embroided white kurta along with dark green dupatta whereas Rysa added more colour to the photo in her floral kurti and rose mauve scarf.
Along with sharing photos by the Amrit Sarovar, the actress also posted pictures of the surreal architecture of the famous shrine and also photos of her indulging in some Punjabi special culinary delicacies like Chole Kulche and Lassi.
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Ananya shared her happiness in the caption as she thanked the Almighty for everything. “Sabr. Shukr. Simran. ?? Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh”, her note read. Her mother Bhavana Pandey too showered the comment section with heart emojis whereas the latter’s friends and Bollywood Wives Maheep Kapoor and Neelam Kothari Soni also cheered for them by dropping similar emojis.
About Ananya Panday
Coming to the work front, Ananya Panday is currently gearing up for the historical drama – a biopic on C Sankaran Nair which will also star Akshay Kumar and R Madhavan in lead roles. Apart from that, she will be seen sharing screen space alongside Kill actor Lakshya in a romantic comedy titled Chand Mera Dil.
Also Read: Photos: Ananya Panday, Madhuri Dixit, Karan Johar and others attend Farah Khan’s birthday bash
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