Alia Bhatt had low key New Year celebration with family members and was seen having a gala time as she bonded with the Kapoor ladies as they rang in 2025 together. In a series of photos shared by Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahani on social media, it was seen that the entire family, which included Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, their daughter Raha Kapoor, Alia’s mother Soni Razdan, Riddhima’s husband Bharat Sahani, their daughter Samara Sahani, and others were seen dressed in glam outfits as they geared up to welcome the New Year.
Riddhima Kapoor shares multiple posts of their New Year bash
In the first post, Riddhima Kapoor shared a series of photos where the entire family was seen having a gala time outdoors. The family clicked several pictures with each other, including an adorable selfie that the Kapoor girl shared with her brother Ranbir Kapoor and also one with her mother Neetu Kapoor. ““The party’s just begun, and 2025 is ready to shine! #NewYearVibes” ?????? Happy New Year insta Fam,” she captioned the post and also added multiple emojis.
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On the other hand, Riddhima took to the platform on Wednesday and shared another couple of photos from the evening wherein she was seen posing with sis-in-law Alia Bhatt and mother Neetu Kapoor in one picture. The other one was a frame-worthy Sahani family picture of her with her husband Bharat and daughter Samara.
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Neetu Kapoor shares a perfect family photo
Doting mother Neetu Kapoor seemed thrilled to ring in the celebrations with her entire family, children, and grandchildren. The veteran actress captioned the post as ‘Happy 2025’ as wishes from fans and her social media fam started pouring in.
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Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt to reunite for a film
Fans of RaAlia are quite excited for the upcoming good news as the actors are reuniting onscreen for a much-awaited romantic war drama titled Love & War also starring Vicky Kaushal as the lead. Apart from that, the couple also has many interesting individual projects in the pipeline, which includes Ramayana starring Ranbir as Ram. Reports suggest that the actor will also be a part of Dhoom 4 along with Animal Park also in the pipeline.
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