The highly awaited film Game Changer, that is expected to mark the return of Ram Charan in theatres after his stupendous blockbuster RRR. The film also stars Bollywood’s beloved actress Kiara Advani in the leading role. Ahead of the film’s release which is lesser than a month away, the actress decided to drop a major BTS video which was from the first schedule of S Shankar directorial. Describing the experience, the actress was also seen expressing gratitude towards the entire team of the entertainer.
Kiara Advani reveals that for the first time she shot a song for 13 days
Sharing the rehearsal clip of some of her most challenging steps from the song ‘Dhop’ which was one of the first sequences to have been shot from the film, Kiara Advani said, “Here’s a sneak peek of my first day at rehearsal, for the first schedule of Game Changer. We started the film with the shoot of the song #Dhop beautifully conceptualised by @shanmughamshankar Sir.” She continued, “t was the first time I shot a movie song for 13 days on a set that made me feel like I was in Disneyland (can’t wait for you guys to see it in cinemas soon)”.
She further added, “I remember seeing @alwaysjani masters choreography and thinking how are we going to do this, but that’s the beauty of our job, always learning something new.. a new style of dance is it dubstep/classical/robotic/hip hop you can answer that in the comments below ?? it’s always fun matching steps with the extremely talented and one of the best dancers I know RC!! @alwaysramcharan ??????and with @musicthamann giving us these unique beats we were all hooked. What a wonderful team of people I got to work with for this song, with @manishmalhotra05 creating the most fantastical costumes and @mehakoberoi fancy hair and makeup let’s just say I had a blast!” She concluded with a promise, “Will share some more bts from the film soon”.
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About Game Changer
Revolving around the story of an honest and sincere IAS officer who sets out on a mission to combat corrupt politicians by advocating for fair elections to transform the workings ways of the government. With Ram allegedly in a double role, the political action thriller also features an ensemble cast that includes Anjali, Samuthirakani, S. J. Suryah, Srikanth, Prakash Raj and Sunil. The film is slated to release on January 10, 2025.
Also Read: Kiara Advani to be seen in a strong avatar opposite Ram Charan in Game Changer
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