In a recent exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, renowned singer Sonu Nigam addressed a matter that had sparked a lot of conversation earlier this month. During his performance at an event titled “Rising Rajasthan,” Sonu made a public request to politicians not to attend performances if they had to leave midway, citing the lack of respect it shows toward the artist.
“I understand that everyone is busy, but the point I was making is that it wasn’t just any event; it was their own show. They were not attending someone’s wedding or any informal gathering. They were at an event that was meant for them,” Sonu explained. He emphasized that if there is an emergency, he understands that people need to come and go, but the gesture of leaving midway without a valid reason is disrespectful.
“Politicians were there as hosts, not as guests. As hosts, they should stay until the guests leave,” Sonu said, underlining his point with a traditional perspective. “If there is an emergency, I understand, but it was their show, and they should have stayed until the end. The host should remain until the last guest leaves, and in this case, the artists were the guests.”
The incident occurred during Sonu’s performance at “Rising Rajasthan,” where he noticed that several prominent figures, including the Chief Minister and other ministers, left mid-show. The departure of these officials was followed by the exit of several other delegates, which left Sonu disheartened. He later expressed his frustration on Instagram, sharing a video where he addressed the issue directly.
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from Bollywood Hungama