Comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachiyaa, known for their entertaining vlogs that give fans a peek into their lives, recently shared a heartfelt update. In their latest vlog, the couple documented their experience at their son Golla’s first Sports Day, a moment that left Bharti teary-eyed with pride.
First sports day
The event, held at Golla’s school, marked a significant impact for the couple as parents. Bharti and Harsh, couldn’t contain their excitement as they witnessed their little boy actively participating in sports activities. The tiny tot secured two medals, making the day even more memorable for the family. Bharti, overwhelmed with emotion, shared, “For me, this medal is bigger than all my achievements.” Her heartfelt words struck a chord with fans.
Parents celebrate with joy
In the vlog, Bharti and Harsh are seen cheering for Golla, capturing precious moments of joy and pride. Bharti’s emotional reaction and her sheer happiness at her son’s achievements showcased her deep love and devotion as a mother. The proud parents also reflected on how these little one remind them of the beauty of parenthood.
These moments are priceless
Their genuine emotions, coupled with a slice-of-life glimpse into their family, brought smiles to countless faces. As Golla continues to grow, fans eagerly anticipate more heartwarming milestones shared by this endearing family. Bharti’s words, “These moments are priceless,” resonated deeply, reminding everyone to cherish the little victories that make life extraordinary.
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